We offer personalised solutions for everyone. Reverse vending machine, logistics, service support, monitoring systems
Reliable, durable modular reverse vending machines with large storage capacity and built-in compression unit for the return of aluminium cans, PET bottles and glass beverage packaging
ReturMobil the unique 4:1 mRVM system. Innovative solution to increase the efficiency of deposit-based systems.
Service support
Personalised service support is provided already from the time of installation, with continuous contact and real-time online monitoring
MyMatic 0-24
0-24 online monitoring system to keep you in the picture
Reverse vending machines for all situations Comparing RVMs
Returmatic R20
Stable and durable reverse vending machine with large storage capacity and Returmatic’s ultra-thin compacting unit for beverage cans and PET.
Returmatic R30 (PET, can, and glass)
Stable and durable reverse vending machine with large storage capacity and Returmatic’s ultra-thin compacting unit for beverage cans, PET and glass bottles.
We offer personalised solutions for everyone. Reverse vending machine, logistics, service support, monitoring systems
Service support
Reverse vending machines for all situations Comparing RVMs
Alu/PET RVMs for voluntary return systems
Aluminum and PET RVM with glass breaking unit for DRS

Are you looking for the best solution?

Write us.

Please write us to find the best solution for you!

Do you only need a reverse vending machine? Complete logistics and settlement services? Our colleagues will find the best arrangement, whether you are a market operator or a state actor.

Everyone is longing for a better world. If you think we can be of assistance, feel free to contact us.

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